total mileage: 618.4 miles (including 31.5 off-route)
average daily mileage (including rest "zero" days): 26
# of continental divide crossings: 4
# of cow pies/splatters in the road: 1,548 (approximately)
favorite trail foods: mac 'n' cheese, kit kats, and cola bottle gummies!!
these adventurous sorts of journeys are packed full of learning. bear with me as i share a few of the morsels of wisdom so far:
- a bandana, which quadruples as a washcloth, towel, sun protector, and breathing mask, effectively quintuples as a rough water filter.
- i don't like spiders, but gigantic daddy long legs that invade my tent make me really freak out.
- lightening my pack is a good idea.
- forget carrying the weight of a fleece top - i'd rather carry a fly swatter!! we have been bombarded nonstop with some combination of mosquitoes bees, and flies (my ankles are swollen from bites).
- don't leave your extra biking shorts, socks, and bandana "drying" in a tree as you ride a ways down the road.
- hummingbirds are eerily attracted to me, scaring me by hovering and staring less than two feet away on multiple occasions. (could it be my pink tank top? or simply another reason i should carry a fly swatter?)
our last shenanigans in Whitefish involved unicycling, naturally. fellow mountain unicyclist carl kohnstamm, whose family so graciously hosted us, fed us, and cleaned our rank clothes, got out his giraffe unicycle and we had a go at it. then, being the circus that we are, we rode to the local ice cream shop for some evening sweetness.
[first time ever attempting to idle on a giraffe!]
early the next morning, we rode out of Whitefish, refreshed by how the kohnstamms spoiled us.
"pink pan turd" and "blue turd of paradise" were discovered at a yard sale; sadly, they were too delicate to be purchased, carried, and sent to friends at the next post office.]
lazy days can materialize into some amazing experiences. after a big meal upon reaching civilization (finally), the last thing we want to do is get back on our unicycles for some good ole bumpy riding. thankfully, in Big Fork, MT, our procrastination led us to discover amy and anya, who were in the last days of their Eugene-to-Glacier bike tour. holler to some awesome campsite buddies! Big Fork happens to be adjacent to the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi: Flathead Lake.
the route is very well described on our maps, and i have done fine without a cyclometer. however, there have been times that we have gotten lucky. after a disagreement about which way to go, matt spotted this sign off the road in the foliage.
look closely....]
so, to clarify the nature of the route: we ride mostly on dirt roads, some atv/4wd tracks, and some single track; 90% of the route is off-pavement, while the other 10% makes up the time we ride through towns, etc. singletrack (as seen below) is challenging, and most often quite technical. while it can be the most fun, the stipulations for such enjoyment usually entail not going steeply uphill. here, we encounter some fun singletrack as the sun sets upon a montana meadow.
i think i've mentioned the sunsets at least twice in this post already. they are such a treat, and make riding in the evenings so magical!
however, the scenery doesn't always need a sunset to take my breath away. here is an example of a basin up which we rode.
[we pretty much feel like we have succeeded in life by recognizing the backdrop to the "section 1" map for the great divide route.
good eye, matt.]
good eye, matt.]
as aforementioned, when singletrack trail goes steeply uphill, is smothered with rocks and bumps, and we can't exactly bunnyhop over them well with 25-pound packs, it gets pretty tough, due to a lack of any sort of momentum; we can't exactly "gear down." this particular day marked the first time i have had to walk any section of the route since way back in alberta . at first it was a confidence crusher, but after mounting the steed once more, it remained solely a pride-crusher, which is probably for the best. at least the scenery rewarded us as we worked hard up this climb.
anyone who has spent a few days with me knows the importance of frequent snacks to my overall happiness and outlook on life. combine low blood sugar with a few hard spills and you have one sad gracie. i was overdue for lunch when i took this hard fall; you can't seem them in the picture, but tears are streaming out of my eyes.
[ho hum, ho hum, just riding along a cliff edge]
[have i mentioned the joys of downhill singletrack?! :-)]
[oh yeah, and the joys of singletrack where you can't see the trail, and you still have to negotiate bumps and rocks?
this section was actually a real treat and a highlight of the trip so far, with the best scenery to boot.]
this section was actually a real treat and a highlight of the trip so far, with the best scenery to boot.]
we salute you, diligent ranchers.
just when i was wondering when the real challenge would begin, yesterday brought us multiple continental divide crossings, complete with virtually impossible terrain. i am frustrated by the inability to portray steepness in still photos, but this will have to do. oh, and for all you bicyclists out there, banked trails are "hell on wheel" (no handlebars to counterbalance the tilt).
the first crossing of the day, although comprised of the toughest terrain we have encountered thus far, had some very fun sections that involved getting wet and muddy - yes! and, we were able to ride up more of the ascent than i initially thought possible.
no rest for the weary: right after the crossing, we headed up yet another divide crossing, but not before a thunder & hail storm caught up to us.
and, finally, to our 3rd continental divide crossing of the trip:
we had hoped to cross three divide passes in one day, but various rest stops got the best of us... or shall i say that we got the best of them? really, the evening kept getting better. despite dodging a seemingly infinite number of cow pies and foot-deep ruts in the road, intimidatingly shooing herds of cows off the roads (including an undaunted bull), we enjoyed the ride through a ranching valley. when we were both thirsty and out of water, with no creek in sight, matt spotted a freshwater spring emitting water into a spring box, harnessing its liquid delight, seemingly just for weary travelers like ourselves. there's something about not having to treat water in cattle country that makes me feel like i've beat the system. yee-haw!
unfortunately, matt's attempt to cross a little stream left him with one shoe - the other had been sucked into the mud! this was not so much a "welcome" interruption to the morning, since it was one of our coldest so far. hakuna matata, the shoe was safely retrieved and functioned beyond our fourth divide crossing, intoHelena .
unfortunately, matt's attempt to cross a little stream left him with one shoe - the other had been sucked into the mud! this was not so much a "welcome" interruption to the morning, since it was one of our coldest so far. hakuna matata, the shoe was safely retrieved and functioned beyond our fourth divide crossing, into
well, folks, congrats on making it through the entire novel of a post! greetings from Helena , Montana , where the first things i noticed on the ride into town were sidewalk curbs. imagine that: curbs! - what a novel concept, and seemingly foreign among these days in the wilderness.
rock n roll!
yours truly,
team blazing saddle sores
rock n roll!
yours truly,
team blazing saddle sores
Only Eagle Eye Matthew would see the fresh-water spring. And the sign. And the exact scene in the brochure. Has he found any wigs yet? ;)
Loved the haybarn episode. I wish I'd been there!!! There's nothing like being dry under a metal roof in a storm! It's magic.
Cheering for you both.
Yeah, what Mom said. And thanks for the voicemail! Keep on rollin'.
Awesome job guys! I have family a sliver east of where you're at and I'm always surprised by the extreme winds that comb the foothills there. Have you had much trouble with said wind? Take care.
I love these posts and have a million questions, of course. I watch and look over and over. Hang in there and keep each other safe and happy. Love to you both.
Excellent work, enjoyed the vidoes a lot.
You guys are simply amazing! I can't get over how epic the trip has been so far and how well you're sharing it. I'm sure there is so much more, but thanks for the glimpse :)
Love the scenery, it's spectacular! Thanks for taking the time to post ..
Stay safe...
Hi Guys! From the satellite, we think you are near Idaho Falls--your closest point to us. We can't raise you, but if you need anything, we will bring it to you!
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